As it goes, “Electrical devices are not designed to last forever”, Phoneblocks has come up with a serious defiance. Phoneblocks is a set of detachable blocks that can be built into a working customizable cellular phone like you do with Lego blocks. Dave Hakkens, the mind behind this superb idea, happened to break his favorite camera and was advised to buy the new one instead of repairing the damaged part. Talking to BBC, he said “Half of the world says it’s possible, the other half says it’s not possible. I don’t think anyone really knows because no-one’s really tried it.”
Still not built, the idea has gained a lot of interest as more than 960,000 supporters have vehemently voiced this Thunderclap project so far. The detachable components are connected to a base and the pieces are mutually attached using two screws. Like Lego, Phoneblocks is built with changeable blocks containing different parts like battery, chipset and camera. You can upgrade any broken part or customize it with larger batteries and speakers. It’s really meant to last forever. Support the project at thunderclap now!
Phoneblocks - A Phone That You Can Build Like Lego (1)
Phoneblocks - A Phone That You Can Build Like Lego (3)
Phoneblocks - A Phone That You Can Build Like Lego (2)